Infelizmente, a África do Sul é mais um exemplo de como (auto-intituladas) vanguardas (pretensamente) revolucionárias, desejosas de colocar as mãos no aparelho de comando e controlo do Estado, invariavelmente acabam por o utilizar para os mesmos fins repressivos que antes condenavam.
"(…)the tragic outcome of the ANC’s liberation struggle was encoded into the very DNA of the party’s vanguardist strategy. First of all, the ANC decided to take over existing institutions — political and economic institutions that were based on systematic exclusion and massive inequality — and thereby ended up unwittingly reproducing these same oppressive structures with a new elite formation. Secondly, (…) the ANC leadership deliberately embraced a particular ideological vision of how to “transform” the country: a vision he refers to as the “political philosophy of rights”, in other words: liberalism. South Africa’s new constitution was the clearest manifestation of this: everything was put to work to secure the rights of individuals to vote and be represented, to own property, and to not be discriminated against in any way. Little attention, however, was given to questions of political participation, genuine popular sovereignty, and the satisfaction of basic human needs.
This state-centered and rights-based approach never truly broke with the legacy of apartheid; it merely extended the franchise while keeping the structural logic of separation between people and power, between property-owners and wage-earners, intact. Partly because of the reigning neoliberal ideology of the time, and partly out of fear of reproducing the Zimbabwean experience where Mugabe’s violent land expropriations had led to a white exodus and economic collapse, Mandela and the ANC opted for a gradualist approach that actually ended up turning the ANC into an agent of apartheid itself. Legally, the property rights of white landowners took priority over the human needs of local shackdwellers. Workers’ rights were increasingly hollowed out as the right to unionize gave way to the “right” to be “represented” by a corrupt and ANC co-opted union leadership. The state-oriented approach and the political philosophy of rights thus locked poor South Africans into a logic of representation and top-down decision-making whereby human needs, social autonomy and political participation came to be subordinated to the formation of a new political and corporate elite of former ANC revolutionaries."
2 comentários:
Bela e corajosa tentativa de chamar para a realidade politica do Vias o novo ciclo politico que forçosamente vai ser criado pelo fim do mito Mandela no xadrez das linhas de força de África e, convém não esquecer, no interior do " bloco " BRICS, os aguerridos suplentes económicos e políticos do G-8. Mandela teve a lucidez extraordinária de ultrapassar a ilusão da guerrilha urbana e, no post e galvanizante periodo do fim da U"RSS", negociar com a burguesia branca de De Klerk o fim do apartheid e a instauração de um verdadeiro e forte regime democrático.Os economistas da Goldman Sachs não se cansam de o repetir, no entanto: a nova África do Sul é o elo mais pobre e inegualitário dos BRICS. E Zuma e seus " boys" são muito pouco fiáveis e merecedores de confiança, o que pode complicar todos os gigantescos desafios que atormentam a Républica da África do Sul. Niet
Bill Keller,um dos pilares da renovação da redacção do NY Times,frisou que o actual PR da África do Sul, Jacob Zuma, parece não ter quaisquer resquício de ideologia e só deseja auto-enriquecer.Keller é considerado um dos maiores especialistas mundiais sobre a politica e a economia da África do Sul. Outros artigos capitais sobre o significado da morte de Mandela: Pierre Haski,no blogue,perspectiva a evolução política do fundador mais célebre do ANC e o papel do regime " branco " da RSA no combate contra os independentistas de Angola, Moçambique, Rodésia, etc, bem como o apoio logistico fornecido aos USA para o controlo maritimo da Rota do Cabo. Niet
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