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Villagers riot in southern China over land dispute:

BEIJING (AP) — Protests by hundreds of villagers over a land dispute in southern China turned violent this week, with residents smashing buildings, overturning vehicles and clashing with police, a villager and the local city government said Friday.

The unrest began Wednesday when about 50 residents of Wukan village in Guangdong province held a peaceful protest in which they shouted slogans and held up banners, according to a statement issued by the government of Lufeng city, which oversees the village.

Then the crowd swelled to more than 200 people, and the residents began smashing buildings and equipment in an industrial park in the village and blocked roads, the statement said.

The villagers had gathered to protest a rumor that their farmland was going to be sold by local village officials without their consent, said a woman surnamed Chen who works at a building materials company in Wukan.

In China, where economic development is surging and demand for land is high, protests — some violent — fueled by illegal land seizures have grown common among farmers. Although the central government has drawn up laws to protect farmers and their land, implementation at the local level often proves challenging.

Police arrested three villagers during Wednesday's violence, said Chen, who would give only her surname when reached by phone. On Thursday, more than 100 villagers showed up outside a police station to seek the release of the villagers, and a clash broke out, she said.

"They surrounded the police station and would not let the police out. Then there was a fight. Some of them were beaten and wounded. They were all villagers, no police were injured," Chen said.

Chen said the villagers smashed the windows of the police station and overturned vehicles. She said police released the three villagers after that.

4 comentários:

The Mother of Mothra of ALL Bubbles disse...

Revoluções primitivas para apropriação dos meios de produção

1994 à pedrada e catanada uns centos de milhares de hutus conseguem apropriar-se dos bens da burguesia e dos meios de produção (e 300 mil palhotas e apartamentos y 400 mil cabeças de gado e um milhão de hectares (10 mil km2)e isto tudo num mês

e só tiveram de reeducar 1 milhão de tutsis e cento e poucos mil hutus

logo a revolução é possível
até mesmo na idade da pedra
tenhamos fé (e cá fé.)

Miguel Madeira disse...

Penso que essa expropriação da elite tutsi pelos hutus já havia ocorrido (no Ruanda) umas décadas atrás.

Pués o camarada komissario tiene racios di raz disse...

Penso eu de que que de facto a expropriação das grandes parcelas não se aplicou às petites e médias nem às cabeças de gado, nem ao predomínio económico dos tutsis

apesar de em 62 e posteriormente os hutus dominantes terem reprimido e assassinado a minoria tutsi em progroms vários os tutsis continuaram a dominar a economia
17% de tutsis detinham uma boa parte dos recursos em 1994

e não é esse o ponto, os deserdados aqueles que pouco ou nada tinham foram encorajados a massacrar as baratas Tutsi para ficarem com parcelas do saque

e em 26000 km2 a posse directa ou direitos de exploração ou pastoreio sobre 10 mil km2 é muito

capatazes nas minas de cassiterite são tutsis etnia mais eduqué e mais do agrado dos seus amos belgas

idem para o berilo, para a exploração de serrações etc

os Tutsis eram os irlandeses orangistas do Ruanda e isse tiene con sequências
(royal flush- e a pressão dos refugiados Tutsis era e continua a ser um factor importante

demografia rules...all

