
"Gregos Independentes" - a boa direita nacionalista?

Entre a míriade de hipoteses que são sugeridas para uma coligação grega, uma que por vezes é apontada é uma aliança entre as várias forças de esquerda e os "Gregos Independentes", um grupo de dissidentes anti-troika da Nova Democracia.

Mas em que consistem exactamente esses Gregos Independentes? Um artigo do Athens News sobre o lançamento desse partido, há uns meses:
Independent MP Panos Kammenos, a former member of New Democracy, presented the founding declaration of his new party "Independent Greeks" from the symbolic location of Distomo (the tragic scene of Nazi atrocities during the Second World War), on Sunday.

"We promise to fight relentlessly and with all the means we have, in order for the dossier on the national tragedy to be opened and judged," Kammenos said during a speech outside the Distomo town hall, referring to the events that led up to Greece's economic crisis.

Kammenos said that only a committee that was above political parties, with emergency powers and authorities and made up of "unblemished Greeks above all suspicion" would be able to bring such a work to pass.

"Justice must be handed out, all those responsible for the tragedy that the Greek people are living and experiencing today must be punished, politically, penally and socially," he stressed, ruling out the possibility that justice might be done by Parliamentary examination committees serving party interests.

Addressing those that came out to Distomo to hear him, Kammenos called for a "national awakening and uprising" and talked about an "effective management of the debt problem".

He also termed the pressure exerted on Greece by the EU-IMF troika as "raw blackmail" and underlined that the Greek tragedy was not just a financial and economic problem but a political problem that was fast turning into an issue of loss of national independence.

"Our country is up against a catastrophe equal to that of Asia Minor, is up against a national humiliation equal to the tragedy on Cyprus," he added.

He was scathing in his criticism of the post-junta period political parties that he said had failed to prepare the country and claimed that Greece had fallen victim to an "international conspiracy designed between the spring of 2009 and the spring of 2010."

A key element of his party's policy platform was to lift the immunity of ministers, MPs and officials against prosecution, seeking out those responsible for the current crisis and making them pay, possibly even impounding their property. He also called for the protection of national sovereignty, seeking payment of German war reparations, cancellation of the "illegal memorandum" and an attempt to rebuild Greece anew.

Kammenos also invited the other independent MPs in Parliament to form a Parliamentary group, so that they could have a presence in the Parliament and the media.
É só a mim que alguns aspectos desse programa (nomeadamente o tal comité com poderes de emergência, acima dos partidos, e composto por "gregos acima de qualquer suspeita") parecem quase fascistas?

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