
Ainda sobre os motins em Londres Inglaterra

Um tema para discussão levantado por David Osler acerca da formação de "milicias" nos bairos turcos/curdos para combater os motins:
First, what distinguished developments on my patch from those elsewhere was the decision of the dominant local ethnic minority to make a stand. By late evening, hundreds of Turkish men – not just the tasty geezers and the handy lads, but men of all ages – had gathered at the junction where their turf starts. A small number were armed with clubs.

I overheard negotiations between a hoodie ringleader and a Turkish representative, which went something like this:

Hoodie: ‘I know that you are just trying to defend your community. We all get the same shit.’ Turk: ‘Yeah, I know. Peace.’

Within minutes, there was some kind of ruckus and the youths fled en masse. I heard later that their departure was sparked when one of their number was caught shoplifting in a Turkish store and, shall we say, dealt with.

So, lefties: praiseworthy neighbourhood self-organisation or petit bourgeois vigilantism in defence of small property? Discuss.

3 comentários:

Dédé disse...

O fascismo é uma minhoca que se infiltra na maçã. Ou vem com botas cardadas ou com pézinhos de lã.

Anónimo disse...

A explicação aqui:

São Canhões? Sabem mesmo a manteiga... disse...

isto há gente com tanta fé

nas origens

mas com pouca nos fins

e nos meios