
Possibilidades e propostas para um outro futuro

Este projecto pretende apresentar e discutir modos de organização colectiva capazes de se afirmar como verdadeiras alternativas ao capitalismo, hoje hegemónico sob diferentes formas. Uma das suas mais interessantes contribuições é a reunião de 24 textos que procuram descrever esses futuros distintos e possíveis caminhos para lá chegar:

Diversifying public ownership, andrew cumbers
Cooperative commonwealth & the partner state, john restakis
Navigating system transition in a volatile century, michael t. lewis
The joyful economy, gus speth
Cultivating community economies, j.k. gibson-graham, j. cameron, k. dombroski, s. healy & e. miller
Earthland: scenes from a civilized future, paul raskin
The economy for the common good, christian felber & gus hagelberg
The promise of a million utopias, michael shuman
Towards a new, green economy, peter a. victor & tim jackson
Six theses on saving the planet, richard smith
What’s next? Parecon, or participatory economics, michael albert
Well-being economy: a scenario for a post-growth horizontal governance system, lorenzo fioramonti
Start with worker self-directed enterprises, richard d. wolff
The good society, henning meyer
Democratizing wealth: a next system model for the u.s. south and beyond, ed whitfield
The new economy: a living earth system model, david korten
Commoning as a transformative social paradigm, david bollier
Building a cooperative solidarity commonwealth, jessica gordon nembhard
Toward democratic eco-socialism as the next world system, hans a. baer
A civic economy of provisions, marvin t. brown
Social democracy, lane kenworthy
Economic democracy, david schweickart
Participatory economics and the next system, robin hahnel
Whole systems change, riane eisler

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