
Apoiar a revolução na Síria

A repressão do regime sírio está a tornar-se cada vez mais brutal, em resposta à sublevação popular que tem trazido milhões de sírios para as ruas nestes dois últimos meses. Infelizmente, e ao contrário do que aconteceu em outros países da região, o exército sírio parece manter-se unido ao lado do regime, apesar de rumores sobre oficiais e soldados executados por se recusarem a atirar contra manifestantes. Mais uma vez, a reacção internacional é ineficaz, expectante, paralisada por mesquinhos cálculos geo-políticos que colocam a vida, a democracia e a liberdade em segundo plano. Mas cada um de nós pode ajudar, por exemplo respondendo positivamente a este apelo:

The Syrian regime is laying siege to whole cities, and is willing to annihilate them to crush the peaceful democracy movement. Security forces have cut off all food, water and medicine to these towns, shot hundreds of citizens, and detained and tortured thousands -- in many cases ripping out their fingernails before releasing them, as a warning to other protesters.

Despite this unimaginable terror, the Syrian people refuse to be silenced, and are committed to a non-violent path out of this nightmare. But while they have no shortage of bravery, they are short of funds. They are asking for financial and other support -- for needs ranging from urgent medical help to ads and public messages urging soldiers to refuse to shoot protestors.

The heart-rending siege of the cities of Dera’a and Banias, the mass arrest and torture of more than 5,000 peaceful demonstrators, the total ban on foreign reporting (including the disappearance of Al Jazeera journalist Dorothy Parvaz), and the staggering death toll countrywide are fueling citizens' demands for real, democratic reform. Experts say the regime has reached the point of no return, and that the best hope for peace is to get trusted figures close to the regime to break off and demand an end to the violence.

A raft of resignations and defections show emerging cracks in the regime, which activists can help widen, particularly as the violence intensifies and international pressure increases.

Backed by thousands of Avaaz members, citizen journalists have bravely brought the images of the protests to the world's media. Reuters, CNN, BBC, Associated Press and Al Jazeera have all been using their footage and photographs -- often the only such material available to the international press amidst the government's attempted blackout. Now, as the violence worsens, peaceful activists are calling on the Avaaz community to help escalate their advocacy and organizing efforts.

We can help by funding ad campaigns and public messages urging soldiers to stop the violence, travel costs for high-level advocacy, safer communications equipment, phone bills, expert advisers on legal reforms and other assistance, including urgent medical and legal contingencies. If enough of us join together, we can sustain courageous activists’ crucial push for peace and reform, and maintain the momentum of people power across the region.

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

A Síria de Bachar não tem conserto, diz hoje Robert Fisk num detalhado artigo sobre as relações de força naquele estado-charneiro do Médio Oriente. Por outro lado, há sintomas de tentativas de " golpe " no interior das facções mais conservadoras da numenclatura do Irão, tendo os Guardas da Revolução prendiso diversas personalidades muito próximas do PR AhmadiNejad e do seu braço-direito, E.R. Mashaiee, acusados de tentarem eliminar o clero xiita...E também há sinais de grande endurecimento no poder saudita: com a intervenção constante policial nas Universidades e, sobretudo, com a ilegalização do Umma Islamic Party...Niet

Anónimo disse...

Errata: (...) estado-charneira e
prendido. Niet