
Em rigor, é 100% Milton Friedman

Um dirigente do Syriza e do Synaspismos, em entrevista à "International Viewpoint" (a revista da facção Ernest Mandel/Alain Krivine/Francisco Louçã do trotskyismo internacional), sobre as propostas para sair do euro:
But the essence of the question and the so-called left criticism on our stance against a GR exit or the dissolution of the eurozone. The so-called left criticism, which supports the return to [former Greek currency] the Drachma is a fully Keynesian approach. I will explain briefly why. The theory behind a so-called left position for exiting the euro is that, we will exit the euro, return to the national currency and then we can make some consecutive devaluation of the national currency. First point, this would lead to an even bigger destruction of salaries and pensions.

Then [the theory goes], we can be more competitive in the exports and then the big exporters who will profit from the exports, magically they will redistribute this wealth.

This is 100% pure Keynesianism, it has nothing to do with a radical stance concerning the question of the existence and the function of the eurozone and the economies, and actually it answers to the wrong question. It plays the game of the opponent by putting the currency as the major question.

2 comentários:

fernando ribeiro disse...

...porquê o título?

Miguel Madeira disse...

Porque essa defesa das moedas próprias com cambios variáveis até nem é (nem deixa de ser) particularmente keynesiana - Milton Friedman foi um dos seus maiores defensores.

Ou seja, se a tese que regressar ao dracma seria intrisecamente mais "de esquerda" do que a posição do SYRIZA de permanecer no euro já de si era fraquinha, ainda mais fraquinha fica.